Mrudhu Bashni Rajendran, B.B.A. LL.B. (Hons.), SASTRA (Deemed To Be) University.
The exponential growth of the Internet has led to a significant growth of cyber-attack incidents often with disastrous and grievous consequences. Currently, the majority of international economic, commercial, cultural, social, and governmental interactions and activities—including those of individuals, non-governmental organisations, governments, and governmental institutions—are conducted in cyberspace. Cyberwarfare, a developing area in computer science, has the capacity to wreck economies, destroy electrical networks, and stir up political upheaval. It refers to any international organization's actions to attack and attempt to damage another nation's infrastructure, computers, or information systems using computer viruses or denial-of-service (DOS) attacks. The employment of computers, internet control systems (IoTs), and networks in a battlespace or as part of covert warfare is referred to as cyberwarfare, in relation to the threat of cyberattacks, espionage, and collateral/other damage, it includes both aggressive and sceptical operations. This paper first discusses the growth of warfare, which evolved into the cyberspace also, then examines what is meant by cyberspace, cyberwarfare and its definitions. This is followed by an overview of targets and threats of cyberwarfare, along with a short examination of cyberweapons used in the past and the most common types of attacks in cyberwarfare. Next, the impact caused due to cyberwarfare political, infrastructural, global, financial and economical, which is followed by protective measures to be taken and a short examination about the presence of legislations applicable to cyberwarfare. This paper finally concluded by a discussion of strategies to lessen the harm caused by these kinds of attacks, the significance of understanding the attack strategy, and recommendations to stop further attacks.