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Delegated Legislation In India

Malavika Singh and Brijesha Mohanty, KIIT Law School


The organs of the Government are- The Legislature ,The Executive and The Judiciary are empowered with powers from the constitution and they do not interfere in the matters of other organs. According to the Constitution, the legislature has law making powers and Executive has the power to abide or execute the laws. Likewise, the Judiciary has the power to resolve the dispute and to meet out justice.

In the domain of legal theory, Delegated Legislation has been one of the most debatable issues because of its various implications. Democracy of India is known to rest on the acclaimed 4 Pillars which are the Legislature, The Executive, The Judiciary, and the press. The pillars are empowered by the Constitution of India not to interfere in the matters of other. Such administrative power over delegated legislation is turned into a 'living coherence as an established need'.


Indian Journal of Law and Legal Research

Abbreviation: IJLLR

ISSN: 2582-8878


Accessibility: Open Access

License: Creative Commons 4.0

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