Compassionate Appointment Of A Married Daughter: Analysis Of Up’s Govt Servants Dying In Harness Rules, 1974
Aryan Srivastava & Surima Singh, Christ Academy Institute of Law
The article studies the compassionate appointment and its validity in general and how it is necessary for the families whose sole bread earner dies in harness & constitutional validity of compassionate appointment by carrying out analytical study of various judicial pronouncement and specifically assessing the position of married daughter as member of family for appointment in govt jobs based on ground of compassion. Further this article carries out the perusal of implementation of dying-in-harness rules (compassionate appointment rules) of state of U.P. in context of married daughter & how the executive authorities has been lackadaisical in implementing the judicial pronouncement of Vimla Srivastava v. State of U.P, where it has been held that a married daughter cannot be denied compassionate appointment on the ground of her marital status. Even after 5 years of verdict, resulting in violation of the fundamental rights of a married daughter as a member of the family.