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Grounds For Divorce To A Woman Under Hindu Marriage Act

Satyam Sharma, BA LLB (Hons), IILM University, Greater Noida


As we being the part of greatest constitution which had laid the foundation of our democratic country, since then we haven’t stopped. As our constitution being mother of all our statutes and acts passed y legislature safe guards the rights of every individual apart from caste, sex, creed, color, religion and etc. Our country has witnessed the overhaul of our legal systems through plethora of judgments which had pin-pointed the lacuna’s created by the law makers. In the present paper we will discuss about what set of grounds do a women have to take divorce and what in future we can foresee new grounds for divorce. In our nation’s history women were subject to various atrocities to which even today they are subject to. We have various legislations and above all our constitution which are structed and drafted rightly to meet needs of upcoming generation. We lack behind the effective implementation, patriarchal society and lack of quality educated people, due to which we are still witnessing these heinous crimes like dowry death, domestic violence and others. A marriage being a social institution on which our society works and is the foundation of everyone’s family. Sometimes what happens is the one of the parties comes under the ambit of grounds of divorce mentioned in Section 13 of Hindu Marriage Act and whereas in Muslim law there is no specific codified law which speaks out for the same. In this paper we will not touching the ambit of what grounds do a woman have for lawful divorce.

Keywords: Marriage, Solemnization, Divorce.


Indian Journal of Law and Legal Research

Abbreviation: IJLLR

ISSN: 2582-8878


Accessibility: Open Access

License: Creative Commons 4.0

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