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Renewal Energy And Laws Related To Sustainable Development In India



Environment degradation in India is causing a serious threat to overall ecological instability the major cause is due to variety of social, economic, institutional and technological factors. The major issue is massive population in India and its requirement which force urbanization and industrial activities abusing an overall factor into degradations of sustainability of the environment. During the time of the corona virus pandemic lockdown somehow improve quality of air. but few factors will remain constant like few of Indian religious precepts and philosophy is causing it to worst. The world is now searching for clean and sustainable energy in 2011 India is now the fourth largest energy consumers in the world to meet the sustainable goal and requirement India is also searching and implementing various laws related to green and renewable energy to cause into effect India is also implementing various laws related to sustainable development. In the recent news tesla space debris free ideology and renewable energy electrical cars is also impacting the Indian electrical motor vehicle market in this reference tata also announce the production of electrical vehicle and vision for the market till 2025 this will boom the renewable clean energy source market and curb the air pollution to some extent. Ban on crackers promoting green crackers and implementing various laws are also an initiative in this direction.


Indian Journal of Law and Legal Research

Abbreviation: IJLLR

ISSN: 2582-8878


Accessibility: Open Access

License: Creative Commons 4.0

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