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Reviewing Rights Of Indigenous People Under Indian Legal Justice System

Shivam Gupta, Amity Institute of Advanced Legal Studies (AIALS), Amity University, Uttar Pradesh (AUUP)


This paper attempts to unfold the issues of legislative frameworks and the inherent gaps and silences while analysing the judicial operations along the course. Indian Legal Justice System began to grow beyond the general population and strived towards catering the marginalized sections of the society of which, indigenous people form a part as well. These communities are being furthered into the isolationist practice not by choice but by the lack of appropriate knowledge assessing the rights at their disposal. Yet again, a counter-narrative plagues the diaspora of debate that analyses the current set of legal frameworks brimming with short-comings and legislative gaps and silence of statutes on matters of status and importance. It is my sincere expectation and hope that this paper contributes in furthering the socio-legal debate meaningfully.


Indian Journal of Law and Legal Research

Abbreviation: IJLLR

ISSN: 2582-8878


Accessibility: Open Access

License: Creative Commons 4.0

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