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Short Note On The Invariant Relation Between Laws And Theories In The Field Of Political Science

S. Srinivasa Sathyanarayanan, SRM School Of Law


Like many other subjects, political science also has many areas of analysis and studies where the laws and political science converge in the political governance of the state. For a political theory to be recognized in the area of political governance, it should first have clarity in the hypothesis as the rulers recognize those theoretical values for administering only based upon the hypothetical value of the theory so that the territorial integrity will be upheld leaving null differences. Like a question has more steps in the process of framing, the theories also have the procedure and steps to form a hypothesis. In political science or any other subject, the entire theory is not tested based on the fact and criticism but largely tested based on the hypothesis, and hence the procedure and steps largely talk about the hypothesis in a theory.

There are several theories recognized in the search for the invariant relation between the political laws and the political theories. The theories from the different periods hold the same position where both the political laws and the political theories both hold important values in the areas in the political governance. The Dependency theory where the theory explains about the economic exploitation, Domino theory on the area of political hegemony, and many other theories have been included as laws both in statutory and non-statutory ways. All these theories are given as examples where the political laws are proved to be in function along with the other statutory laws.

Keywords: political theory, laws, theories, hypothesis


Indian Journal of Law and Legal Research

Abbreviation: IJLLR

ISSN: 2582-8878


Accessibility: Open Access

License: Creative Commons 4.0

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