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A Study On The Education Of Disabled Child In India

Aishwarya Sakunthala D, B.A. LL.B., (Hons), Saveetha School of Law, Chennai


India has made significant economic progress in recent decades, and it now ranks fourth in terms of purchasing power parity. Despite this progress, an estimated 260 million Indians are still impoverished. The reciprocity of poverty- causing disability presents unique challenges to India's integrated education strategy. This study begins with a brief history of special education in India, then moves on to changes in government legislation and policy as the country transitions toward more integrated educational services. To address the existing challenges that Indian administrators and educators face in their pursuit of more integrated education, a variety of solutions are proposed. The research method followed is an empirical method. The data is collected through a questionnaire and the sample size is 201. The convenience sampling method is adopted in the study to collect the data. The samples were collected from Family and Friends. The independent variables are gender, age, occupation, monthly income, educational qualification, and marital status of the respondents. The dependent variables are the research questions. The researcher uses SPSS to analyze the data collected. Professional development is critical for teachers and educators, and it must include both behavioural changes as well as the knowledge and skills required to lead to a more inclusive society. Finally, no inclusive education initiative would be complete without parent involvement and external assistance from NGOs and special schools for training, curriculum delivery, and assessment, among other things.

Keywords: Disabled children, Government Initiatives, NGO, Inclusive education, assessment, laws, government awareness


Indian Journal of Law and Legal Research

Abbreviation: IJLLR

ISSN: 2582-8878


Accessibility: Open Access

License: Creative Commons 4.0

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