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E-Waste Management: Challenges And Solutions

Madhu Rana, PhD Research Scholar, GITAM University Vishakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh


In present time, sustainable management of Electronic Waste is immerging as a huge problem and developing countries are the main target of this problem, as the Electronic Waste either dumped in the developing countries or their own management of the Electronic Waste is not developed as effective as in developed countries. The Electronic Waste contain hazardous substances which are dangerous for the human life and the environment as whole. In most developed countries legislations are formed for the effective management of the Electronic Waste produced. These legislations are also coupled with the proper infrastructure for the better treatment of Electronic Waste. However, in developing countries either legislations are not present and if present then the implementation is not strong. Apart from the legislation the infrastructure for the treatment of the Electronic Waste is not well funded and manged. Backyard recycle, open air warning of Electronic Waste and other practices damage the environment directly and in most dangerous manner. Apart from the environmental impact, these non-structural ways of treatment of Electronic Waste also create social problem such as child labour, dangerous working conditions for the workers etc. In the present work, we review the concept of Electronic Waste, its dangerous effect on environment and the responsibility of the producers under the concept of Extended Producers Lability (EPR) to manage the Electronic Waste which they have created in the market and earned profit from it. Further, we review the Electronic Waste management in the developed countries and role of Government of India in Electronic Waste management. Finally, we discuss better ways to deal with the Electronic Waste management for preservation of environment without the sacrificing technological advancements.


Indian Journal of Law and Legal Research

Abbreviation: IJLLR

ISSN: 2582-8878


Accessibility: Open Access

License: Creative Commons 4.0

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