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Private Trust Ancient To Contemporary – In India

Lavanya H B, Ph.D. scholar, National Law School of India University Bangalore


The concept of Private trust is found as one of the early and best way to protect the private property from the hands of law against perpetuity throughout the world. The perception behind the formation of Private trust is familiar to Indian families in particularly Hindus, where the kartha of the family is to look after the each member of the family with utmost care, thinking it is his duty towards the family. This concept is successively became success and the whole family is happily living. Before and during 1882 the changes and issues arise with the English people in administration and management of their own people they borrowed the trust law from England and enacted Indian Trust Act 1882 for the benefit of private trust and trustees.


Indian Journal of Law and Legal Research

Abbreviation: IJLLR

ISSN: 2582-8878


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