C Dhanalaksmi, B.COM. L.L.B (Hons) The Tamil Nadu Dr. Ambedkar Law University – SOEL
Sexual harassment at workplace is a widespread disease throughout the world whether it may be a developed nation or a developing nation or an underdeveloped, atrocities against women is still prevailing everywhere. Sexual comments about a person’s appearance, clothing, or preferences and also by sending texts, emails, letters, etc. of sexual nature. Sharing or displaying pornography or vulgar content are some of the illustrations of sexual harassment at workplaces. Although there are no specific laws for curbing sexual harassment at the workplace in India but certain provisions are there in other legislation like IPC, which provides protection against women’s sexual harassments such as in IPC. The present paper discusses about the prevailing laws, kinds of harassments, struggles faced by women and also suggestions to abolish sexual harassments.
Keywords: Sexual Harassment, Women, Workplace, Legislation.