Prof. Dr. Shweta Thakuria & Adv. Priyanka Dutta, Galgotias University
Female foeticide means killing of a female child before she is born. In India there are many states whether it could be a city or it could be a village, the act of female foeticide is very much is in existence. The Indian government in 1994 has passed an Act as Pre- Conception and pre- natal sex screening and female foeticide to stop the female foeticide. The main purpose of enacting this Act is to ban the use of sex selection techniques after conception and prevent the misuse of pre-natal diagnostic techniques for sex selection. Pre-Natal Diagnostic Techniques (Regulation and Prevention of Misuse) Act, 1994 (PNDT), was amended in 2003 to The Pre-Conception and Pre-Natal Diagnostic Techniques (Prohibition Of Sex Selection) Act (PCPNDT Act) to improve the regulation of the technology used in sex selection.