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Emerging Trends In Panchayat In India

Neha Kandwal & Aman Bharti, Law College Dehradun, Uttaranchal University

When the panchayat raj is established, public opinion will do what violence can never do.

— Mahatma Gandhi


The implementation of Panchayati raj systems since the 1990s has significantly accelerated the process of decentralization and has had a larger impact on India’s governance structure. The transformation of the traditional society with the development of democracy has always been accompanied by conflicts. The 73rd Constitutional Amendment granted the panchayats local self-government status in 1992; they are used to ensure that social justice and economic development are carried out. These organizations are excited to improve infrastructure facilities and give the weaker groups permission to start the development process in rural India. The idea of Panchayati raj is sporadically mixed with a political agenda in modern times for tactical and financial reasons. Institutions under Panchayati Raj have been kind in identifying true recipients who will benefit most from these programs. However, a number of factors like casteism, factionalism, and rivalries impede the effectiveness of these organizations. The inability to recognize these difficulties and shortcomings has resulted in complications during implementation. The research provides a summary of this intuition’s history, elements, and problems. Additionally, it seeks to define the parts played by women in the patriarchal society that currently exists and the grave danger that this society poses to democracy itself. Our nation’s founding fathers genuinely had a vision of bringing out the essence of democracy through the power of the people.


Indian Journal of Law and Legal Research

Abbreviation: IJLLR

ISSN: 2582-8878


Accessibility: Open Access

License: Creative Commons 4.0

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