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Importance Of Cyber Law In India

Archishma S Kalluraya, Ramaiah Institute of Legal Studies


Internet has become one of the most integral parts in an individual’s life. A time where internet has conquered the world and everyone uses internet from basic communications till the online shopping and many companies have also chosen to continue their operations through internet network which is indirectly increasing the demand for e-commerce. Many procedures related to government are also taking place online, in the last one year there is a massive rise in the e-finance. The growth of internet network is increasing tremendously which is simultaneously causing the growth of the dangers associated with it. It is a very huge, time taking complex process for a law maker to establish laws which prevent the occurrence of such illegal activities online.

The cyber space is known as a computer-generated world of Internet and those laws which are prevailing the cyber space are called as cyber laws. The jurisdiction of these laws is kind of worldwide and all the Cyber laws and the users of these comes under the ambit of this law. Therefore, a branch of law that deals with the legal issues which are concerned with the use of the internet worked information technology is considered as cyber law. Cyber law is considered to be one of the most important subjects as it majorly deals with those activities which involves internet or any transactions.

In simple words we can consider that the cybercrimes are an unlawful act in which the computer is used as either a tool or as a target or both. The word cybercrime is not defined exactly in National Cyber Security Policy 2013 nor in Information Technology Act 2000, nor it is defined in any regulations in our country. If the basic data or aid to an offence is computer or any information stored by the computer then even a pick pocket can be brought under the purview of cybercrime.

Indian Journal of Law and Legal Research

Abbreviation: IJLLR

ISSN: 2582-8878


Accessibility: Open Access

License: Creative Commons 4.0

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