Koyel Ghosh, LL.M, Brainware University in Kolkata
women to change their social status, education is a necessity. Women with education can contribute significantly to society's socioeconomic development. Inequalities and disparities are eliminated through education as a way to regain one's status both inside and outside of one's family. It is essential to women's empowerment, prosperity, growth, and welfare. Women are stronger when they are educated. Such power results from the empowerment process, and education will lead to empowerment. Women's empowerment, gender inequality, and the vulnerability of women in Indian society are all significantly influenced by education. This essay aims to summarise the changing situation regarding women's education in India.
Girls' and women's education, as well as the elimination of obstacles to education and opportunities for their advancement, are key components of achieving gender equality. Addressing and removing obstacles that prevent women from pursuing higher education and participating in the workforce can have significant positive economic effects. The fact that concentrating efforts on women and girls is the most effective strategy for battling extreme poverty and extremism is becoming more widely acknowledged by organisations and governments.
Keywords: Women education, empowerment, opportunities.