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An Untapped Network - A Legal Analysis On Dark Web And Deep Web In India

Dr. S.M. Abinaya, Advocate at Corporate Affairs, Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment1


The internet has 3 main segments namely the Surface Web, Deep web and Dark Web. The surface web is the basic structural web, which can be accessed easily through people such as Google, Yahoo etc. The Deep Web and Dark Web are tough to access and would need special software, VPN and browsing structure. Whereas the Medical records, Confidential data of Government and Banks etc., will be available in the Deep Web. Whereas in Dark web both legal and illegal details such as drug trafficking, pornography, pistol sale etc., will be available. The Surface web amounts to 4% of the total network, whereas the Deep Web and Dark Web amounts to 96% of the network. Furthermore, the Dark web is an extended and grave version of the Deep Web. The Laws that regulate the accessibility and usage of these kind of networks in India are not directly regulated and the Legislative must be intact in framing laws that curbs the illegal practices that takes place in the domain of the Deep and Dark Web. This Paper centrically focuses on the legality of the Deep and Dark Web in India and application of law towards the prevention of cyber crimes that take place in the deep domain of the untapped network.

Keywords: Dark Web, Deep web, Internet, Illegal, Law, Cybercrime, Information Technology, India.


Indian Journal of Law and Legal Research

Abbreviation: IJLLR

ISSN: 2582-8878


Accessibility: Open Access

License: Creative Commons 4.0

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