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Domestic Violence And Its Legal Implications

Karan Dang, Indian Institute of Management Rohtak


Domestic Violence refers to the violence on the either of the partner in a relationship (marriage). Domestic Violence has been going on since the man gained conscience and started the ritual of marriage. The reason for the Domestic violence is the failed knot of marriage which is hanging loose and is meant to break. Domestic violence is caused due to the least of understanding between the husband and wife in the marriage. The husband beats the wife after arriving from the work due to pressure from work and other pressures, so he tends to hit his wife mercilessly. Domestic Violence includes violence such as sexual violence, physical violence, mental torture. Domestic Violence is a world-wide problem and it is most present in developing and poor countries. In countries where work pressure is immense and the working hours are very high. Domestic Violence has been described under the criminal law as punishable offence and can lead to prison time. Domestic Violence has been suffered by women due to under-reporting of cases and due to not wanting to defame the family and due to the danger of being secluded from the society.

Also, nowadays there are many cases of dowry deaths, wherein the wife committed suicide or where the husband’s family kills the wife as the wife fails to pay the dowry. Dowry practise is going on from the Vedic Age wherein it was very famous among the upper-class people but now it is more common among the lower-class people. Dowry was meant that wife’s family had to provide the bride’s family gift for marriage. Dowry has been defined in goods, gifts, monetary etc. Dowry Violence is forced by the In-Laws for marriage.

Indian Journal of Law and Legal Research

Abbreviation: IJLLR

ISSN: 2582-8878


Accessibility: Open Access

License: Creative Commons 4.0

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