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Offences Related To Cyberspace And Cybercrime

Sheetal, Geeta Institute of Law, Panipat, Haryana, India


Nowadays cybercrime is a major issue all over the world. Cybercrimes encompass any crime involving a computer system or online networking. Cybercrime is done by using technology related to computer systems, their hardware, software and various application running on the internet. Nowadays cybercrime is the target of offences like theft, violation of intellectual property rights. This computer system is being used as an instrument for committing crimes like illegal transactions online, frauds now affect 17% of the population. It is also used to gain any other person personal information and used for their own personal comfort. Cybercrimes include crimes that are specific to computers such as hacking, fraud. Cyberspace has no geographic territory. Cybercrimes may be committed by a person in any other country also. Day-by-day cyberspace is giving birth to several new crimes which are all recognised by conventional laws. Now almost in all countries, cybercrime is penalised. Anyone who fails to obey the rules which are made under cybercrime laws is liable to pay compensation. If anyone commits an act that is prohibited by law, which results in a prosecution in a criminal court. Anyone who knowingly or intentionally destroys someone’s computer data or any personal information shall be punishable with imprisonment. Anyone who works through the source of the online medium must be aware of the rules and whosoever is injured by the hackers must report it as there are various punishments and penalties which would satisfy the people who suffer from those crimes. The offender is punishable with payment of a heavy fine or imprisonment. Thus, cybercrime also plays a role in spreading wrong information to the people which makes them fool by doing fraud with them. There are many types of Cyber Crime including Hacking, Cyber defamation, Malware, Identity theft, Cyber terrorism & Cyberstalking.

Indian Journal of Law and Legal Research

Abbreviation: IJLLR

ISSN: 2582-8878


Accessibility: Open Access

License: Creative Commons 4.0

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