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Volume IV Issue VI

December 2022 - January 2023

M.V. Balaji, LL.B, Government Law College, Namakkal, Tamilnadu

S. Prabhu, LL.B, Government Law College, Namakkal, Tamilnadu

Page: 2885-2889

In general, Minor Rights means Child Rights. The Rights of a person who is below 18 years of age in Indian Nation have the child rights. These Child Rights are mentioned in The Constitution

Deeba Khan, Ph D scholar, School of Law, University of Kashmir

F.A. Rafiqi, Former Professor, School of Law, University of Kashmir

Page: 2890-2896

The dawn of cyber highway technology has brought in a revolution in almost all spheres of human activity including the trade and commercial transactions.

Muskan Agarwal, Jindal Global Law School

Page: 2897-2903

DOI: A279

The process and cost of litigation are long and expensive. For faster and smoother facilitation of dispute resolution, many individuals/firms turn to arbitration.

Dr. Tarun Kumar

Mr. Vikash Kumar Singh

Page: 2904-2911

Society itself is the center of gravity of all legal development. Society is changing faster so the concept of cruelty changing accordingly. Women were considering weaker section since long time

Himanshi Agarwal, B.A.LL.B, Maharashtra National Law University, Mumbai

Page: 2912-2928

This research is performed with an aim to address the instances where refusal of judges from certain cases formed an essential basis to impart justice in the case at hand.

Pavitra Priyadarshan, B.A.L.L.B, National Law University, Odisha

Page: 2929-2944

Dawn raid assumes profound importance in the business world as competent regulators undertake unannounced investigations at the company’s premises for suspected violation

Aditi Pandey, B.B.A LL.B (Hons.), School of Law, Alliance University, Bangalore

Gargi Nagpal, B.B.A LL.B (Hons.), School of Law, Alliance University, Bangalore

Mahek Manvar & Lingala Moksha, B.B.A LL.B (Hons.), School of Law, Alliance University, Bangalore

Page: 2945-2958

In general, citizenship means a person being a citizen of a particular nation or state, which describes the persons rights and duties related to that nation or state.

Nidhi Baid, Indian Institute of Corporate Affairs

Page: 2959-2978

Economists have often held the belief that a well-developed financial system enables smooth flow of savings and investments and ultimately, supports economic growth.

Vasundhara Baidya, Gujarat Law Society University

Page: 2979-2990

Before Warren Hasting took office as Governor of Bengal, the system of administering justice was in a state of confusion. Things were perilously close to completely falling apart at that point.

Shruti Sharma, School of Law, Christ Deemed to be University, Bangalore

Page: 2991-3000

The following paper analyses the trade development between India and ASEAN. The focus has been put on the important phases of trade among the two, since the advent of the 1991

Rhithuparna. K. A, BA.LLB (Hons.), National University of Advanced Legal Studies, Kalamassery

Page: 3001-3005

India's goods and services tax is governed, amended, and reconciled by the GST Council. In order to simplify the taxing procedure for taxpayers, the Council intends to replace

Sudipta Roy Chowdhury, Symbiosis Law School, Pune

Page: 3006-3016

The objective of this research paper is to get a practical perspective and comprehension of the procedural components of “Conversion of Public Companies to Private Companies” in line with government-established laws and regulations.

Sai Vaishnav, Symbiosis Law School Hyderabad, Symbiosis International (Deemed University)

Page: 3017-3023

Surrogacy renders to be a very controversial concept that is on the rise currently, which pertains to the method of assisted reproduction. It is a process whereby a woman carries pregnancy for a couple.

Neenu Anna Ninan, Christ (Deemed to be University), Banglore

Page: 3024-3034

Every legal system aspires to provide justice in a fair, expedient, rational, and economic manner. Due to the numerous numbers of cases pending before the judiciary, speedy justice is not been served.

Manne Vaishnavi Rao, Alliance School of Law, Alliance University, Bengaluru

Neha S Menon, ICFAI Law School, Hyderabad

Page: 3035-3045

In an era where the crime rate is high and the conviction of criminals is lower, in the times of science and technology criminals have advanced their way of covering up their crimes

Dr. Kumara. N.J., Assistant Professor of Law, Vidyavardhaka Law College, Mysuru

Page: 3046-3056

Man is by nature is a social animal. He may be in the culture of indigenous community or in non-indigenous culture but surrounded by biological diversity.

Agnes Augustian, Research Scholar, IUCIPRS, CUSAT

Page: 3057-3069

As new technological development emerged, a new way of content creation was happing, especially the content created by AI is becoming an issue related to who owns the copyright.

Shraddha Sharma, LLM, Intellectual Property and Trade Laws, School of Law, Christ University, Bangalore

Page: 3070-3078

The internet is a significant factor in the growth of fanfiction. Fanfictions ended up being published in numerous websites with almost no expense to the fans because to the development

Heena Asrani, Indore Institute of Law

Shantanu Dubey, Indore Institute of Law

Aryan Singh, Indore Institute of Law

Page: 3079-3087

Suicide is an act of violence against oneself that results in death Suicide is the fourth leading cause of death among 15–29-year-olds. There are various factors influencing someone to take their own life.

Hiranmayi Gowravajhula, Symbiosis Law School, Hyderabad

Page: 3088-3099

Prostitution as a profession has taken shape since the inception of trade in the civilized world. With the change in the socio-religious outlook of almost all the societies have changed the reasons

Koustubh Chandra Dubey, BBA LLB, Symbiosis Law School Nagpur

Page: 3100-3113

With an estimated value of more than US$20 billion in criminally obtained proceeds and biodiversity losses, this must be a high-priority issue with significant investment.

Dr. Vishnu Sankar P., Assistant Professor, IUCIPRS, CUSAT

Page: 3114-3120

Parallel Imports, an outcome of the International exhaustion principle, is indeed an exceptional limitation that is put upon the monopolistic rights of the patent owner.

Arnav Sharma, University Institute of Legal Studies, Chandigarh University Mohali, Punjab

Saumya Goel, University Institute of Legal Studies, Chandigarh University Mohali, Punjab

Page: 3121-3126

Traditional Medicine is that which is made with the help of knowledge, beliefs, experiences of indigenous people. Nowadays traditional medicines are not very much in existence

Sai Dyuthi K V, BA LLB (Hons), PES University

Page: 3127-3136

The clause was considered by the Indian Supreme Court in 1962 to only apply in cases of, for example, "incitation to violence" or "overthrowing a democratically elected government

Brinda Kundu, University School of Law and Legal Studies, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, New Delhi, India

Page: 3137-3146

The enforcement of foreign decrees in the backdrop of the Indian legal framework is a complex and evolving area of jurisprudence. The best way the trace the outlines of thereof is to study

Meenakshi, PhD Scholar, Gurugram University, Haryana India

Page: 3147-3157

The mob believes that they are punishing the victim for doing something wrong (not necessarily illegal) and they take the law in their own hands to punish the purported accused without following any rules of law.

Rachel Thomas, LLM, Rajiv Gandhi School of Intellectual Property Law, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur

Page: 3158-3174

The human population is increasing each year and researchers and experts believes that there will a chance of populations to reach its extreme capacity after three decades.

Mohak Kasat, Symbiosis Law School, Nagpur

Shruti Sharma, Symbiosis Law School, Nagpur

Page: 3175-3186

Recently there has been a rapid increase in the hype and interest around the blockchain technology. Professionals and experts have come together to discuss the possible application

Nandita Yadav, LLB, Campus Law Centre, University of Delhi

Neelangini Tiwari, LLB, Campus Law Centre, University of Delhi

Page: 3187-3201

The paper is a comparative study of legislations and protective guidelines in different countries regarding marital rape and cyber-crimes against women and sets out to understand

Devika Tiwari, BA LLB, Jindal Global Law School, OP Jindal University, Sonipat, Haryana

Page: 3202-3209

Laws relating to evidence are necessary especially for countries following the common law system. Law of Evidence as a type of law is very important as it puts in motion the other substantive laws.

Ishita Kohli, OP Jindal Global University, Sonipat

Page: 3210-3221

Mob lynching is when common people take the law into their own hands and in an attempt to achieve their distorted version of justice, violate the basic human rights of others by killing

Shejal Harichandan, LL.M., School of Law, Christ University

Page: 3222-3231

The wrongful confinement of citizens is increasing, and the misuse of the laws by the executive authority is blasphemy that is taking place in the open. Preventive detention laws are present

Satakchhi Priya Verma, LL.B., Symbiosis Law School, Pune

Page: 3232-3240

Alternative Dispute Resolution, or ADR, has demonstrated its efficacy as an alternative to the court’s traditional settlement method in civil matters. The primary reason for the founding of ADR

Rudrakshi Rai, BA LLB (Hons.), National Law University and Judicial Academy, Assam

Page: 3241-3246

Data Privacy is the buzzword in today's world and data protection is the biggest worry. Our data has become the new currency for the tech giants and social media intermediaries

Akshay Krishna P, Symbiosis Law School, Nagpur

Page: 3247-3261

This paper deals with prostitution as an industry in India while also talking about the relevance of voluntary sexual exchanges in the Indian context. This paper hopes to provide clarity

P. Ishwarya, BA.LLB., The Central Law College, Salem

Page: 3262-3270

To promote openness in an administration the Sweden government introduced a new concept i.e right to information in 1774. After years other countries also knew the importance of the concept

Prashant, B.A. LL.B., Symbiosis Law School, Hyderabad

Page: 3271-3278

Many grievances have been made with consumer courts demanding reimbursement under the “Consumer Protection Act of 1986” as a consequence of the rise in the numeral

Shree Rupika R, BBA.LLB (Hons), Saveetha School of Law, Saveetha Institute of Medical and Technical Sciences (SIMATS)

Page: 3279-3297

India's caste system is therefore the world's longest surviving social hierarchy. In recent days, modern education has been the challenging factor to rule the division of the economy.

Dr. Sridevi Krishna, Assistant Professor, Vidyavardhaka Law College, Sheshadri Iyer Road, Mysuru

Page: 3298-3307

In today’s competitive world people are recognized and praised for their talent, creativity and enthusiastic approach to their life. Every person in this world is born different

Vaishnav Arun Kumar, BBA LLB, OP Jindal Global Law School

Page: 3308-3314

With respect to the research regarding women being employed in construction sites, there is a repeat on the type of questions that come up during the research done.

Ms. Archie Garg, Symbiosis Law School, Pune